Join me as I talk with Matthew Nichols from Network Advertising Initiative (NAI) the reasons people join the group, how traditional advertising routes like TV are making a comeback in data personalization, about the ownership and sharing of data...
Join me as I talk with Head of Patient Engagement Emma Sutcliffe about the importance of #patient #advocacy within the #lifesciences. We discuss the differences between #patientengagement, #patientcentricity, #patientsupport and #patientadvocacy...
Join me for a conversation with #digitalhealth leader Melinda Decker about how digital health products have been increasingly #commercialized. Our conversations ranged from the differences in commercialization models between direct to consumer...
A conversation with General Counsel Matthew Fisher at Carium about the importance of patient #privacy. We explore #telehealth , #telemedicine , #dataownership, #datasecurity and its impact on #clinicaltrials and #clinicaltrialresearch
A conversation with intellectual property lawyer Donna Tobin about #cannabis-related #trademark issues including state registrations, Martha Stewart's cannabis plan, pending legalization issues and their impact on trademarking and much much more.