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TagClinical Trials

The Matriarch of Research Advocacy

Patient advocacy may still be in its early stages, but it has the potential to change the role of the patient in healthcare. What is patient advocacy, and how might it change the way we view patients? In today's episode, Darshan Kulkarni talks with...

Why Should We Care About Bioethics?

Bioethics is the application of ethics to the field of life sciences and health—it determines what constitutes an ethical approach in the world of clinical trials and research on hot button issues like eugenics, gene-editing, and the right to die...

FDA Warning Letter: Vivus

FDA Warning Letter: Vivus

The FDA recently went after VIVUS, a pharmaceutical company, for making false health claims about its product. Inappropriate drug promotions can pose serious issues for pharmaceutical companies that go beyond superficial penalties--companies can...

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