A discssion on promotional compliance, the role of podcasting in marketing compliance, addressing patient needs, addressing loss of trust between patients, did marketing play a role in the rise of trust in pharma, how should medical affairs engage...
When is off-label marketing permitted, and when does it become a problem? Join FDA regulatory attorney Darshan Kulkarni as he talks about the legal uses of off-label marketing, and the consequences of going against FDA regulations. We'll also...
Due to COVID-19, laboratory workers are either being overworked or are being furloughed. Why has the pandemic affected laboratories in this way? Join Darshan Kulkarni as he talks with attorneys Stephanie Noblit and Dale Cooke about the impact of the...
Promotional Review Committees (PRCs) serve an important role for pharmaceutical companies wanting to stay compliant. How can PRCs help ensure compliance for promotional materials? In this episode, Darshan talks about how companies should handle LESE...