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What is informed consent in clinical trials?

Informed consent is a crucial aspect of clinical trials, ensuring that prospective subjects understand the benefits, risks, and potential harms of participating in a study. This process involves full disclosure of information, allowing subjects to ask questions and address concerns with a knowledgeable medical professional. For minors, parental involvement is required, and subjects have the right to withdraw consent at any time. It's not merely a form but an ongoing process that starts before the research begins and continues until the study concludes or the subject withdraws. Need assistance with your clinical trial compliance program? Email us at [email protected] #informedconsent #informedconsentawareness #researchtransparency #patientempowerment #patientrights #empoweredparticipant #clinicaltrials #clinicalresearch #informedconsenteducation #researchethics #medicalresearch #clinicaltrialawareness #darshantalks #dt #kulkarnilawfirm #klf #recentrecap Website: Law Firm: Twitter: LinkedIn: Sign up for my newsletter: ---- Disclaimers: This discussion is provided for general educational purposes and should not be construed as legal advice, regulatory advice or medical advice. Listening to this video or otherwise depending on discussions in this video do not, in any way, create an attorney attorney-client relationship

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