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Why is your medicine so expensive?

Bringing a drug to market is a costly and intricate process, averaging $2.3 billion. This expense encompasses multiple levels of testing, ranging from small animals to extensive human trials. The drug company, whether partnering with a university or a private investor, foots the bill for each phase of testing, ensuring safety and efficacy before reaching the market. The investment covers meticulous testing procedures, safeguarding against potential risks and ensuring the drug's viability on a large scale. #drugdevelopmentjourney #medicalresearchcosts #pharmainvestmentinsights #researchanddevlopment #drugmarketcosts #drugdevelopment #drugpricing #healthcarecosts #drugtrials #drugtesting #darshantalks #dt #kulkarnilawfirm #klf Website: Law Firm: Twitter: LinkedIn: Sign up for my newsletter: ---- Disclaimers: This discussion is provided for general educational purposes and should not be construed as legal advice, regulatory advice or medical advice. Listening to this video or otherwise depending on discussions in this video do not, in any way, create an attorney attorney-client relationship

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