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3 must-do takeaways for collecting diversity data in clinical trials

In an ideal world, every patient in clinical trials would feel truly represented. In this video, Darshan Kulkarni outlines three crucial takeaways for collecting diversity data in clinical trials, following guidelines from the FDA. The guidance emphasizes that one size does not fit all when it comes to race and ethnicity, encouraging detailed categories to embrace the global diversity of participants. Darshan advises starting by asking about identity, specifically Hispanic and Latino, before delving into race, respecting the complexity of ethnicity and allowing participants to self-identify. He emphasizes the importance of trusting participants to share their own stories, asserting that self-reported data on race and ethnicity is not only more accurate but also honors individual identity, contributing to a more nuanced and enriched dataset. #clinicaltrials #diversitydata #FDAguidelines #researchethics #inclusiveresearch #patientrepresentation #datacollection #raceandethnicity #representationmatters #clinicaltrialinclusion #diversityinresearch #researchinclusivity #diversetrials #darshantalks #dt #kulkarnilawfirm #klf #recentrecap Website: Law Firm: Twitter: LinkedIn: Sign up for my newsletter: ---- Disclaimers: This discussion is provided for general educational purposes and should not be construed as legal advice, regulatory advice or medical advice. Listening to this video or otherwise depending on discussions in this video do not, in any way, create an attorney attorney-client relationship

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