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TagPatient Engagement

Pharmacogenomics in 2020

Pharmacogenomics in 2020

How will Pharmacogenomics look in 2020? Is your company sufficiently prepared? Join FDA regulatory attorney Darshan Kulkarni as he discusses how pharmacogenomics may change in 2020, and whether your clinical trials may be affected.

Patient Centricity in 2020

How might patient centricity progress in 2020, and what does this mean for your company? In this episode, Darshan Kulkarni talks about the different factors affecting clinical trial transparency, and the four branches of patient centricity. We'll...

The Matriarch of Research Advocacy

Patient advocacy may still be in its early stages, but it has the potential to change the role of the patient in healthcare. What is patient advocacy, and how might it change the way we view patients? In today's episode, Darshan Kulkarni talks with...

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